On Thanksgiving Day 2009, Blood Bound Books opened its doors. Our inaugural submission call was for Night Terrors, followed closely by Unspeakable and D.O.A. The goal was to be a professional market, but I was in between teaching jobs and money was too tight to offer “pro rates.” Our solution was to make Night Terrors a contest—five cents a word to the winner, three cents and one cent to second and third place. Every other story got a token payment of five dollars. We knew very little about publishing back then, but we had a dream and a burning desire to achieve. Ten years later we are proud to report that DOA III paid at least five cents a word to every author. In addition to that milestone, we have been able to fund dream anthologies for editors Robert Essig, Q. Parker, and Ken MacGregor.
There have been a lot of great accomplishments over the years, and countless lessons learned. We’ve worked with great people, yet we’ve endured many hardships. Owning a business that you pour your heart and soul into brings people close together, but it can also tear people down. There’s no faceless corporation to blame when life gets in the way and things go wrong. Good and bad though, we are thankful for it all. “I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.” – Og Mandino.
Yes, we have a few special releases this weekend—notably Crash Code from Q. Parker and Toxic Love by Kristopher Triana—but this is not a time for pushing products at slashed prices. This is a weekend for gratitude. Gratitude for our friends and families who have struggled alongside and supported us over the past ten years. For editors and authors who trust us. For readers across the globe who spend their money and leisure time with our books.
Thank you to everyone who has been a part of the BBB story over the last decade!
Sometimes I look at our rookie mistakes in the formidable years and wonder how we managed to get to where we are now. Many of those first-year authors are still with us, and words can’t express how fantastic that feels. When readers visit us year after year at conventions and shower us with thanks, it reminds us why we work endless nights and endure the insanity that comes with every small business—it also renews our spirit. Thank you!
On this anniversary, it had been a dream to release a Best Of, a massive tome filled with new short stories alongside classics from all our anthologies. Man, did I want to make that happen. Illnesses struck though, and family had to come before a new project. In addition to BBB, I work two other jobs, both are full-time commitments, and though I always say I’ll cut back on these obligations, I never do—in fact, I always seem to take on more. Teaching gives me a great amount of joy though—as well as immense pain (in a way, it’s like publishing). And managing properties can be equally rewarding. When I find a good home for good people at an affordable price, my heart swells. Hard to walk away from any of it. But fear not, the Best Of will come when it’s meant to.
There’s actually a lot still to come. For readers and authors. I can see it just over the hill. I know this because I’ve learned a lot in ten years. Way more than just about publishing. I especially know that time, patience, and persistence will accomplish all things. It may have taken ten years to lay the foundation of Blood Bound Books, but it was worth it, and now the real building can begin.
In closing, we ask that you keep the horror contained to the pages of fiction. The world needs more hope, faith, and charity, and if you’d like to find out how you can do that with books, please give this page a read.
Thank you again!